I spent some time today with the following error:
The user right-clicked an Advance Invoice record, then chose "Record Info", then "Show all fields" and got the tasty error message below:
Property Name has max length 40. An attempt to set it to a string having length 41 has been made.
You would get similar error messages, if you called the same function on the Advance invoice lines, though then it would say length 45.
The solutions: the SysRecordInfo Form on the SYP layer contains a bug.
The problem is with the line marked with red (duh).
The Form's name can be only 40 characters long. The DictTable.name() is "CzCustAdvanceInvoiceTable" (25 chars) + _ShowAllRecords_(15 chars) is too long. Tough luck.
I don't know which KB article dropped the ball on this one, but it's okay in SYS layer, and wrong in SYP layer.
I took the easy way out and simply removed the '_ShowAllRecords_' from the function call, and presto!, it worked.
2014. szeptember 12., péntek
2014. szeptember 10., szerda
AX: Original (installed configuration) in registry for new users
The back story
We have a terminal server used by nearly a hundred users simultaneously to launch AX clients. The AX client had been installed a while back, and since then the original AX farm has been extended, some of the servers have been marked as dedicated batch servers, etc. Long story short, the "original configuration" in the registry is pretty much useless at this moment.Of course they are all using .axc files to connect to the AOS, but unfortunately when AX crashes (and oh boy, does that happen), it nicely offers to restart. However, at restarting it does NOT use the same configuration it was started with, it defaults to the one stored in the registry, and the user arrives to an AOS where he is not supposed to be.
The task
Update both all of the current AX configurations and the default configuration for new users to a correct set of AOSes.
The solution
all users
The users part is pretty straightforward: under HKEY_USERS\<SID>\Software\Microsoft\Dynamics\6.0\Configuration\Original (installeded configuration), the information is stored in the AOS2 and WSDL string values. If you want to add more than one AOS, in then you can list them separated with a semicolon
default user
However the default user profile is not stored under HKEY_USERS\.Default, but is copied from HKLM, when the client launches his first AX using registry. If he always launches AX using an connection file, the registry keys are apparently not created.
Also, this is where the configuration for Business Connector is stored
The following script will fix all of the above, for all the configs of all the users
AX 2012,
AX 2012 R2,
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